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Exam Units

In level 2 IT there were two exam units that we had to do these were Unit 1 The Online World and Unit 2 Technology Systems

I managed to get a level 2 pass in both exams.

Unit 1

Here is a slide show presentation I created with a small group for part of the Unit 1 work.

We were also asked to create our own wiki site about Unit 1 and a small amount of Unit 2.


Unit 2

Here is a slide show presentation I created with a small group for part of the Unit 2 work.

As we were learning Unit 2, we were given access to a website called Knowitallninja. This is where we did most of our learning and revision, it helped a lot to read through and do quizzes on the various parts of the Unit 2 section on the website.


We also used some other websites to help us study this Unit and Unit 1.


On quizlet it helps you revise from flashcards, a quiz, a test, and some games such as matching and asteroid. It's a good way to learn a term and it's definition.


We use kahoot as a class we all compete to be the fastest to get the correct answer to the questions on the board, this helps the teacher to know what we know and to test our knowledge also.